Saturday, July 11, 2009

Brentwood Garden

Well, it is Saturday. At 10a Portland Information Garden, located next to the Brentwood Garden had a winter planting demonstration-given by a Carl Grimm. It was fun. I don't think many of the people had actually planted a garden or hadn't been gardeners for a very long time. Note taking. There is an idea. I wonder if I took notes when I first began to garden.

Well, he thinks you should carry a level to make sure you plant your plants level. I tend to sink the plot below ground level. Only because I've lived in Arizona where they irrigate and I enjoy irrigating. He talked about spacing, organic fertilizer and handed out excess plants not used in the planting. I got free cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts and something untagged and mysterious, which I will discover later. All of these are suppose to live slowly in the ground over the winter. That would be great! I am soooooo excited.

He showed us about laying irrigation pipe. We never got to planting the herbs. At 1p everyone was leaving, she(another employee) asked me if I would like to volunteer and I signed the book. I wasn't expecting to do that. I know the Renee that will be calling me, we visit all the time as I walk by. I actually took her through the garden day before yesterday and introduced her to one of the gardeners who gardens all year through. She talked about planting a purple leek that is a winter leek. I want one.

Carl Grimm will be on T.V. Thursday mornings, channel 2, between 9a and 10a for a brief clip. Like a five minute flash about separating seedlings or turning manure. Something like that. I doubt if I will get to watch him because I have to compete with cartoons and Charlie. Now that it is summer vacation. I moved my t.v. out of my area and am only listening to the radio now. Olivia and Sherman have my t.v. in their room.

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